The Scholars Corner, LLC
The information in this handbook will help you understand the policies practiced during the day-to-day operations of our after-school program and weekend enrichment programs.
The Scholars Corner, LLC accepts all children into the program regardless of national origin, race, creed, ability, or physical handicaps.
We understand the importance of having a safe, fun way to spend time after school and of experiencing enhanced academics with extra learning activities available with the weekend enrichment program.
It is the mission of The Scholars Corner, LLC to:
Foster the self-worth of each child
Assist in developing personal and interpersonal skills
Provide assistance with homework
Provide developmentally appropriate enrichment activities to add to your child’s learning with our enrichment programs

Parents Handbook
Schedule of Operation
The Scholars Corner, LLC will follow the NYC Public School System calendar. The Scholars Corner, LLC will only be open when school is in session, with the exception of our weekend enrichment programs, and summer program. Please refer to the school calendar for days that we will not be operating.
AFTER SCHOOL: Monday to Friday (dismissal to 6:00pm)
Late Fees
Late fee of one dollar ($1) per minute per child will be charged after 6:00 PM by the official school clock. At 6:00 PM, the Site Director will first call both parents/guardians listed. He or she will continue to call all adults authorized to pick up the child until someone is reached who can immediately pick up the child. The child will be released to the first adult who arrives at the center. Please have a local friend or relative on your list who can help you in emergency situations. Excessive late pick-ups may result in charges of $100 for every five late pick-ups.
Tuition Policies
Tuition for the school year is due in accordance with the payment plan chosen.
Important Tuition Notices
Checks should be made out to “The Scholars Corner, LLC.” Write your child’s first and last name on every check and account number.
No payments can be made through a child. You must deliver payments directly to The Scholars Corner, LLC in the afternoons or make a payment by phone. If you choose to pay with cash, you will be required to sign a cash receipt at the time of payment.
Tuition should be in accordance to the payment plan chosen and prior to attendance. If a payment is missed or non-attendance, your child will be withdrawn from the program, and your spot will be given to a child on the waiting list (if applicable). If you decide to re-enroll your child a new registration fee will be charged of $100.00.
A late fee of $1.00 will be charged for every minute after 6:30 your child remains onsite. This will be charged according to the school clock. Late fees should be paid in full to the staff present and not added to the tuition check at a later date.
One- returned check will require all future payments to be made in cash or by money order.
Delinquent checks need to be corrected within 24 hours of notification and a returned check fee of $35 will be charged.
There will be no credit issued for school holidays.
Your tuition amount will be the same regardless of absences or entire weeks missed unless approved by the Administrator. (Includes suspensions for non-payment, behavior and excessive late pickups)
All students must be enrolled in one of the elementary school sites that The Scholars Corner, LLC services. The Scholars Corner, LLC accepts students from Kindergarten to 6th grade (ages 5-11).
All parents must fill out a complete enrollment packet for each child. The parent is responsible for updating packet information during the school year if needed. This includes any address changes, contact numbers, changes in adult/s to pick up child, medical and health changes. No child will be allowed to enter or leave the premises without being escorted by an authorized adult. It is the policy of The Scholars Corner, LLC to refuse any person to pick up your child if we suspect that person is driving impaired, or we will contact the nearest police Department. The Scholars Corner, LLC employees will take attendance on a daily basis. Parents or authorized persons will sign the child out every day providing time of pick-up and initials. Any person picking up a child who is unfamiliar to The Scholars Corner, LLC staff will be required to show a valid picture I.D. If your child is on restricted pickup involving custody issues you must provide the program with legal documentation.
Students enrolled in our After School program will be served nutritious snacks daily. Please advise us if your child has allergies in the medical history and would prefer to bring their own snack.
Withdrawal Notice
A written notice of withdrawal must be emailed, faxed or mailed to The Scholars Corner, LLC two weeks prior to withdrawing to avoid any additional fees. Please indicate your reason for withdrawal on this notice. Students will be withdrawn automatically after one missed payment.
It is the mission of The Scholars Corner, LLC to provide your child with a fun and safe after school environment. In doing so, each school will follow the policies set forth by the NYC Public School system for lockdown, bomb threats, and other emergency situations. In the event of severe weather, we will operate according to the NYC Public School safety policies. To protect the health of all students, The Scholars Corner, LLC reserves the right to dismiss students who have excessive bathroom accidents or who willfully expose other children to their bodily fluids.
If school closes before The Scholars Corner, LLC begins, you must have alternative pick-up arrangements on file with your child’s school. If we need to close after our program has begun, for example due to hazardous road conditions, you will be contacted and asked to pick up your child as soon as possible. Please add several friends/neighbors to your emergency contact list for inclement weather or other emergencies, which could prohibit you from being available in a timely manner. In the event of severe weather, The Scholars Corner, LLC staff will be focused on the safety of the children and may not be available to accept parent phone calls.
If your child has severe food allergies, please note it on the health history form included in the Parental Contract and alert the staff prior to sending your child to our After School program. The Scholars Corner, LLC will make every reasonable effort to provide an alternative snack and remove your child from any contact with the food.
Medication and Medical Policies
The Scholars Corner, LLC staff will not dispense any medication; however, please inform the staff of any medical situation that may require the use of emergency medication such as an Epi-pen, inhalant or insulin. Please contact Director for forms and policies.
The Scholars Corner, LLC does not offer transportation. If a medical emergency requires transportation, emergency medical services will be notified and the student and an employee of The Scholars Corner, LLC will be transported to the nearest hospital. All attempts will be made to notify parents and the adult/s designated to pick up child. No Scholars Corner, LLC employee will deter a child from receiving emergency medical care. In non-emergency situations, basic first aid will be given and an accident report will be filled out by staff. A child will not be accepted or allowed to remain at The Scholars Corner, LLC program if he/she has a fever of 101 degrees or higher or other contagious symptoms such as rash, diarrhea, vomiting, sore throat, etc. A parent will be notified to pick up child immediately. Child must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to the program. The Scholars Corner, LLC reserves the right to request a doctor’s note stating the child can return. If anyone on site is found to have a contagious communicable disease parents will receive written notice.
Regularly Scheduled Activities
Snack – Please let the staff know if your child has any medical problems requiring a special snack.
Consistent homework program–Academic activities such as math/spelling/reading/strategic games will be available for those children without homework. It is the parent’s responsibility to check homework and to complete items needing individual assistance such as quizzing spelling words, fluencies, and/or projects.
Individual/Small group activities
Special Scheduled Activities (available for the students registered in the weekend enrichment program)
Arts and Crafts activities
Science explorations
Team building
Intensive Writing Classes
Math/ELA State Test Prep.
SHSAT/ Hunter Exam
Computer (our tablets are available for school-related projects and program activities)
Book Club
Arts and Crafts workshop
Presentational Skills/ Social Development
Science/Social Studies Advancement
Lego Math club
Drama Club
Videotaping and Photographs
Student may be videotaped, filmed or photographed during classroom activities exclusively to post photographs and/or videos to promote The Scholars Corner, LLC (in our website, flyers, etc).
The Scholars Corner, LLC Property
I understand that my child is responsible for returning any textbooks, dictionaries, calculators, board games and any other property of The Scholars Corner, LLC that has been borrowed. If any of the aforementioned items are not returned in the conditions they were checked out, a charge will incur for damaged or lost items at the discretion of the director. I also understand that if any defacement of The Scholars Corner, LLC property results, I hereby attest that I will be responsible for all costs related to fixing the resulting damage.
Personal Property
The Scholars Corner, LLC is not responsible for any loss of personal property. It is the student’s responsibility to keep an eye on their personal property and not leave anything unattended.
Discipline Policies
Disciplinary procedures are designed to maintain a safe and secure environment for all children. Any of the following disciplinary actions may be imposed for any violation of the Code of Conduct. Rules are enforced at the discretion of The Scholars Corner, LLC Administrator.
Explanation/ reinforcement of rules/warning
Redirection / temporary removal from activity
Time out – older children may use this time to create an action plan
Loss of Privileges
Notification to Director
Notification to Parents
Parent Conference with Staff/ Director
Short term suspension
Expulsion from The Scholars Corner, LLC program/s
All parents / authorized adults will be also held to the Code of Conduct. A child may be dismissed from the program due to parental / adult misconduct.
Program Activities
The Scholars Corner, LLC is dedicated to providing a balance of academic, enrichment, and recreational activities. Students will be grouped according to the number of students enrolled in the program. Groupings are usually done by grade level: K-1, 2-3, 4-6.